The Process

When we first get into the trades, we typically get some intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction out of assembling something and seeing the act of completion that goes into each task on a daily basis. Sure, some days are better than others. Some things are more satisfying than others. And that’s part of the joy of the building industry. For those of us who are easily bored, experience ADHD, and need change and accomplishment in our lives every day, it’s satisfying to our soul.

So there is a process we go through,
from learning a craft,
to becoming a builder,
to developing a business as a contractor,
and then paying it forward
to your community, the industry and the next generation.

I don’t believe you can short circuit the process. Sure, there are “paper” contractors who know business but don’t know how to build. And there are great trades and crafts people who don’t know business, yet who pay a heavy price.

Most of us see successful contractors and assume that if they did it, we can do it. Yet, the failure rate for contracting, building and developing businesses is high.  Just because you’re an excellent builder doesn’t mean you’ll attain success in business.

There are at least 10,000 ways to lose money in the construction business. I’ve experienced about 9900 of them. I dodged a few bullets, learned from my mistakes, took action to mitigate future losses and shared what I learned with those around me. Every step we took we used as an opportunity to improve how we did things.

And now after 47 years as a builder, contractor and business owner, I’m paying it forward and sharing with you the things that I learned that were both “learning experiences” and successes.

For instance…

  • The 10 worst mistakes I made and how not to make them.
  • How to set yourself apart from your competition. How to market your company. What you stand for and how you express it.
  • Organizational tips. Creating a culture of “ownership thinking” among your employees within your company
  • Determining core values and facilitating alignment with company leadership. Creating strong, healthy organizations. Recruiting, retaining and motivating Level 5 leaders.
  • Strategic marketing, branding, and attracting goodwill. Gaining market share.
  • Operational systems development. Improving financial controls, analysis and understanding. Improved earnings and Return on Operations.
  • Turning non-tangible assets into long term value, such as:
  1.  Developing powerful and valuable Good Will by utilizing in-house company expertise and emotional intelligence (EQ) expressed through product;
  2. That leads to repeat clientele;
  3. That leads to larger contract pipelines, greater backlog and sustainable profitability.
  • Developing long term strategies for shifting markets.
  • Implementing exit and succession strategies.

All of these set the foundation for a successful, enduring and profitable business. The things that I’ve learned and that are available to you can make a huge difference. Not only in your own life, but also your family’s, your employees’, their families, and your community.

Come on in. Check it out. Let’s get started!

It begins with Passion and the Process.

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