Passion and the Process

It all starts with passion. You’ve got to be passionate, almost obsessively passionate, about your chosen craft.

If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing for a living, then keep looking.

For success to happen, you must have passion about your work.

Not to the exclusion of your family and friends, but certainly above all else.

If you’re not, somebody else is.

And they will be successful because they’re driven to be the best at what they do.

And if you don’t want to strive to be the best in your community at what you do,

Then why pursue this path?

Because it’s a demanding industry.

The market makes constant, sometimes dramatic shifts.

The economy has updrafts and downdrafts, some mild and some rough, turbulent, boisterous and even frightening. 

The evolution of the industry is relentless.

New regulations appear every year.

And every 3 years, the building code changes.

Design trends come and go.

New products, some of which will fail, are introduced and promoted.

As a result, building science continually evolves.

Builders are expected to stand behind what they build for years, even decades.

Clients and customers become ever more critical and aware of what’s out there. They wonder why you’re not using sush&such product and doing things like how someone else is building on the internet and on TV.

So, yes, to be successful, you’ve got to have passion for The Crafts and the practice of building well.

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